Speaking to Shame
The safe place to identify your shame, call it by its name, and ditch it cuz it's lame.The place where we answer the question "Who was I before the world and shame said I wasn't enough?" The place where we talk about the heartbreaking and unfair, because the joy and the healing are worth that fight. The place where you can set down the heavy burden of the shame that never belonged to you.🧡
Speaking to Shame
The Power of "I Love You" in Dismantling Toxic Masculinity—with Logan Roe
Emily Stearman/Logan Roe
Season 2
Episode 12
Mr. Logan Roe has a lot to say:
-Emotions are cool.
-Dad’s are totally capable of being emotionally present with their kids.
-Saying “I love you” to those we love matters.
-Toxic masculinity is a problematic placeholder for real emotional validation and love.
-We are our guardians; all the little kids living in us can look to grown up us to guard and protect us.
Listen on for Logan’s powerful discussion around parenting and emotional regulation.
Find him on Instagram @heymrroe and @themindfulgamer
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